<h1>PreEminent Species</h1><br>pre·em·i·nent <br>/prēˈemən(ə)nt/<br> adjective: surpassing all others; very distinguished in some way. <br> "The world's PreEminent Species resides here."<br><br>pre·em·i·nent - spe·cies <br>/prēˈemən(ə)nt - spēSHēz,ˈspēsēz/<br>Being THE species that has the greatest effect within its ecological community, especially by determining the presence, abundance, or type of ALL other species. <br><br>35+ Collections w/ 500+ Original Designs and Growing<br><br> While clothing companies clamor to cover fighters bodies, "PreEmeinent Species", I'm here to EXPOSE YOUR SOUL!<br><br> Anyone can learn to fight... <br>Very few are born this way.<br><br>Train All You Want, <br>You'll Never Outrun A Cheetah.<br><br> This - IS NOT WORKOUT GEAR!<br>It's a Warning Sign To The Ignorant,<br><br>"Next Comes Blood..."<br><br>I'll Teach You What Happens,<br> When Pretend,<br> Meets The PreEminent...<br><br> There can be ONLY ONE...<br>Think It's You? <br>You sure about that?<br>I Am.<br><Br> Sincerely,<br> THE<br>PreEminent